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Visual Studio C Project Er Diagram

This article will help you to develop a library management system in Visual basic 6.0 with MS Access as database. To help you understand the project, we have included system diagram , er diagram, table design in MS Access and VB 6 form designs.

User Activities

Since, this is a medium size project we don't need use- case diagrams. However, you are free to use them and modify the project. The main activities of the library management system are:

  • Managing members information that includes adding, deleting, updating, and displaying member records.
  • Each library member including admin must login to perform any transaction. Therefore, a user ID and password is given to every member.
  • Managing book details in the library such as adding , deleting, updating, and displaying book information. Each book has member ID of the person who borrowed the book recently. Therefore, looking at book details we know who has the book from the library.
  • Every member can check the availability of the book before borrowing it.

The library management system you develop must contain the following modules.

  1. frmLibraryManagement (Main Form)
  2. frmLogin (Login Form)
  3. frmBook (Book Form)
  4. frmMember (Member Form)
  5. frmBorrow (Book Borrow Form)
  6. frmMenu (MDI Form)
  7. Module1.bas (Module)
Project explorer showing all forms
Project explorer showing all forms

System Design

The library management main form with login button is displayed to the users. The users login to access the menu (MDI Form). The users can manage books or members at anytime within menu form . Also,members can check availability of books and borrow it if available.

The system diagram shows how the overall system works.

System Diagram -Library Management System using VB 6 with MS Access
System Diagram -Library Management System using VB 6 with MS Access

Data Model – ER Diagram

The ER diagram or entity-relationship diagram begins with identifying all entities of the project. You can write activities or use an activity diagram to identify entities.

  • Member has user ID and password.
  • Member can borrow books and return after use.
  • A single book is allocated to only one member.
  • Member can check availability of a book.
  • Book details and Catalog of all books in library.

From above description we identified three entities and their relationships.

  • Borrow and Return
  • Library member
  • Book Details

The ER diagram is below shows relationship between all entities.

ER Diagram For Library Management Project
ER Diagram For Library Management Project

Location of the Database

In the next section, you will be creating a database in MS Access 2003; therefore, you must create the database in following location – C:/VBProjects/Library/library.mdb for this project to work. If the path is incorrect, the program will not run successfully.

MS Access Database Location - C:/VBProjects/Library/library.mdb
MS Access Database Location – C:/VBProjects/Library/library.mdb

Relational Model – Tables

Now we need to convert the ER Model to a Relational Model which means creating a table for each entity in the ER Model.

Book Table

The book table in Access Design View is given below. One of the Field Name is "Primary Key", in this case, BookID.

Book Table - Library Management System
Book Table – Library Management System

Member Table

The screenshot for the Member table in Microsoft Access Design View is given below. The Field Name "MemberID" is the "Primary Key" for this table".

Member Table - Library Management System
Member Table – Library Management System

Borrow Table

The third table in MS Access Design View is Borrow. This table has multiple fields that serve as the "Primary Key". The primary key are BookID, MemberID, and Return.

Borrow Table - Library Management System
Borrow Table – Library Management System

Note: Primary Key is a field that uniquely identifies each row in the table.


A relationship is MS Access is similar to the e-r diagram we created previously. We can use the e-r diagram to create relationships between tables.

To view or create relationships among tables, go to Database Tool from the Toolbar > [Click] Relationship under Show/Hide.

Relationships Between Tables – Library Management System

The relationship between Member and Borrow is called One-to-Many and the relationship between Book and Borrow is One-to-Many.

Relationship Types
Relationship Types

Connect to MS Access Database Using Module1.bas

All form need to connect to Microsoft Access Database but you may have to write the code for connection in each form. It there is a large number of forms in the project, say 10, then these extra line of codes become redundant. To save us from this trouble, create Module1.bas file from Project1.vbp windows.The code for Module is given below.

                Public con As New ADODB.Connection Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset Public constr As String Public Sub loadcon() constr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\VBProjects\Library\library.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" con.Open constr End Sub              

Components for frmLibraryManagement

You can design the interface for each of the forms in Visual Basic now. However, you must rename them properly for sake of coding. Let's create components for frmLibraryManagement as follows and rename them.

Form Library Management System
Form Library Management System

Form Details

                Name:frmLibraryManagement Caption :LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BackColor :Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text              

Now add a frame control and add all other controls on top of it.


                Name:frameLibraryManagement Caption :Library Management BackColor :Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text              


                Name : lblLibraryManagement Caption : LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BackColor :Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font :Arimo 18px Bold              
                Name : lblCompany Caption : NotesforMSc BackColor :Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 12px Bold              
                Name : lblCopyright Caption : Copyright : BackColor :Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif px Bold              


                Name : cmdLogin Caption : Login BackColor : Button Highlight Font : MS Sans-serif 12px Bold Style :1-Graphical              

Code for frmLibraryManagement

                Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()     frmLogin.Show     Unload Me End Sub              

Components for frmLogin

The login screen is different because you want password to be hidden when you type them. To create Login dialog, {Right-Click] Project.vbp > Select Add > [Click] Form. The new form dialog box will appear, select Log in Dialog.

Login Dialog - Library Management System
Login Dialog – Library Management System

Now we must rename and change the code for frmLogin.

 Form Login - Library Management System
Form Login – Library Management System

Form Details

                Name : frmLogin Caption :Login BackColor: WindowText ForeColor : Highlight Text              


                Name : lblUserID Caption : UserID BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text              
                Name : lblPassword Caption : Password BackColor : Window text ForeColor : Highlight Text              


                Name: txtUserID Text : 'leave blank'              
                Name : txtPassword Text : 'leave blank'              


                Name : cmdOk Caption : OK              
                Name: cmdCancel Caption : Cancel              

Code for frmLogin

                Option Explicit  Public LoginSucceeded As Boolean  Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()     'set the global var to false     'to denote a failed login     LoginSucceeded = False     Me.Hide End Sub  Private Sub cmdOK_Click()      rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Member ", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly      While Not rs.EOF     If rs!MemberID = Val(txtUserID) Then      'check for correct password'      If rs!Pass = txtPassword Then      'place code to here to pass the '     'success to the calling sub'     'setting a global var is the easiest'      LoginSucceeded = True     frmMENU.Show     Me.Hide     con.Close     Exit Sub      Else      MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!", , "Login"     txtPassword.SetFocus     SendKeys "{Home}+{End}"      End If     End If      rs.MoveNext     Wend End Sub  Private Sub Form_Load()  Call loadcon End Sub              

Components for frmBook

All details of books are available from this form.You can add new books, delete a book, update book information, and view the entire books in the library from this form.

Library Management - frmBook to view book details.
Library Management – frmBook

Form Details

                Name : frmBook Caption : Book Details BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text              

First create a single frame control and add all other controls on top of it.

                Name : frameBook Caption : Book Details BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text              


                Name : lblBookMain Alignment : Center Caption : Book Details BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : Arimo 18px Bold              
                Name : lblBookID Alignment : Center Caption : BOOK ID BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name : lblBookTitle Alignment : Center Caption : BOOK TITLE BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name : lblAuthor Alignment : Center Caption : AUTHOR BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name : lblBNote Alignment : Center Caption : NOTE: BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name : lblBInstruction Alignment : Center Caption : Only use BOOK ID for DISPLAY BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              


                Name : txtBookID Text :'leave empty'              
                Name : txtBookTitle Text :'leave empty'              
                Name :txtAuthor Text: 'leave empty'              


                Name : cmdBAdd Caption : &ADD BackColor : Button Highlight Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name : cmdBDelete Caption : &DELETE BackColor : Button Highlight Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name : cmdBUpdate Caption : &UPDATE BackColor : Button Highlight Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name : cmdBDisplay Caption : &DISPLAY BackColor : Button Highlight Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name : cmdClear Caption : &CLEAR BackColor : Button Highlight Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name : cmdBExit Caption : &EXIT BackColor : Button Highlight Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name : cmdBCatalog Caption : &CATALOG BackColor : Button Highlight Style : 1-Graphical              

DataGrid Control

                Name : BookFinder              

Code for frmBook

                Option Explicit  Private Sub cmdBAdd_Click() Call loadcon con.Execute "INSERT INTO Book (BookID, BookTitle, Author) VALUES (" & txtBookID & ",'" & txtBookTitle & "','" & txtAuthor & "')" MsgBox ("Record Inserted Successfully") con.Close End Sub  Private Sub cmdBCatalog_Click() Call loadcon rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.Open "Book", con, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdTable If Dir$("C:/VBProjects/Library/savebookquery.xml") <> "" Then Kill "C:/VBProjects/Library/savebookquery.xml" End If rs.Save "C:/VBProjects/Library/savebookquery.xml", adPersistXML rs.Close con.Close Set rs = Nothing rs.Open "C:/VBProjects/Library/savebookquery.xml", , adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdFile Set BookFinder.DataSource = rs Set rs = Nothing End Sub  Private Sub cmdBDelete_Click() Call loadcon con.Execute "DELETE * FROM Book WHERE BookID = " & txtBookID & "" MsgBox ("Record Deleted Successfully") con.Close End Sub  Private Sub cmdBDisplay_Click()  Call loadcon rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.Open "SELECT Book.[BookID], Book.[BookTitle],Borrow.[MemberID],Member.[MemberName],Borrow.[StartDate] FROM Book,Borrow,Member WHERE Book.[BookID] = " & txtBookID & " And Book.[BookID]= Borrow.[BookID]And Borrow.[MemberID]=Member.[MemberID] And Borrow.[Return] = 0", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If Dir$("C:/VBProjects/Library/savebookdisplay.xml") <> "" Then Kill "C:/VBProjects/Library/savebookdisplay.xml" End If rs.Save "C:/VBProjects/Library/savebookdisplay.xml", adPersistXML rs.Close con.Close Set rs = Nothing rs.Open "C:/VBProjects/Library/savebookdisplay.xml", , adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdFile Set BookFinder.DataSource = rs Set rs = Nothing End Sub    Private Sub cmdBExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub  Private Sub cmdBUpdate_Click() Call loadcon con.Execute "UPDATE Book SET BookTitle = '" & txtBookTitle & "', Author = '" & txtAuthor & "' WHERE BookID = " & txtBookID & "" MsgBox ("Record Updated Successfully") con.Close End Sub  Private Sub cmdClear_Click() txtBookID.Text = " " txtBookTitle.Text = " " txtAuthor.Text = " " End Sub              

Components for frmMember

This form will provide information about library members including the book they currently borrowed. You can create new members, delete members, and update their information except except MemberID.

Library Management - frmMember
Library Management – frmMember

Form Details

                Name : frmMember Caption : Member BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text              

Frame Control

                Name : frameMember Caption : Member Registration BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text              

Now you can start adding all the other control on top of frame. You want to make controls visible on frame,then right click frame and click send to back.


                Name :lblMemberMain Alignment :Center Caption : Member Information BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : Arimo 18px Bold              
                Name :lblMID Caption : Member ID BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font :MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name :lblMName Caption : Member Name BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font :MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name :lblMNote Caption : NOTE: BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font :MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name :lblMInstruction Caption : Only use Member ID before DISPLAY BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font :MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              


                Name: txtMID Text :'leave blank'              
                Name: txtMName Text :'leave blank'              
                Name: txtMPass Text :'leave blank'              


                Name :cmdMAdd Caption : &ADD BackColor : Window Text Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name :cmdMDel Caption : &DELETE BackColor : Window Text Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name :cmdMUpdate Caption : &UPDATE BackColor : Window Text Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name :cmdMDisplay Caption : &DISPLAY BackColor : Window Text Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name :cmdMClear Caption : &CLEAR BackColor : Window Text Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name :cmdMExit Caption : &EXIT BackColor : Window Text Style : 1-Graphical              
                Name :cmdMAllMember Caption : &Show Members BackColor : Window Text Style : 1-Graphical              

DataGrid Control

                Name :MemberFinder              

Code for frmMember

                Private Sub cmdAllMember_Click() Call loadcon rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.Open "Member", con, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdTable If Dir$("C:/VBProjects/Library/saveshowmembers.xml") <> "" Then Kill "C:/VBProjects/Library/saveshowmembers.xml" End If rs.Save "C:/VBProjects/Library/saveshowmembers.xml", adPersistXML rs.Close con.Close Set rs = Nothing rs.Open "C:/VBProjects/Library/saveshowmembers.xml", , adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdFile Set MemberFinder.DataSource = rs Set rs = Nothing End Sub  Private Sub cmdMAdd_Click() Call loadcon con.Execute "INSERT INTO Member (MemberID,MemberName,Pass) VALUES (" & txtMID & ",'" & txtMName & "','" & txtMPass & "')" MsgBox ("Record Inserted Successfully") con.Close End Sub   Private Sub cmdMClear_Click() txtMID.Text = " " txtMName.Text = " " txtMPass.Text = " " End Sub  Private Sub cmdMDel_Click() Call loadcon con.Execute "DELETE * FROM Member WHERE MemberID = " & txtMID & "" MsgBox ("Record Deleted Successully") con.Close End Sub  Private Sub cmdMDisplay_Click() Call loadcon rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.Open "SELECT Member.[MemberID],Member.[MemberName],Borrow.[Bookid],Borrow.[bookTitle]FROM Member, Borrow WHERE Member.[MemberID]= " & txtMID & " And Member.[MemberID] = Borrow.[MemberID] And Borrow.[Return]= 0", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If Dir$("C:/VBProjects/Library/savememberdisplay.xml") <> "" Then Kill "C:/VBProjects/Library/savememberdisplay.xml" End If rs.Save "C:/VBProjects/Library/savememberdisplay.xml", adPersistXML rs.Close con.Close Set rs = Nothing rs.Open "C:/VBProjects/Library/savememberdisplay.xml", , adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdFile Set MemberFinder.DataSource = rs Set rs = Nothing End Sub  Private Sub cmdMExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub  Private Sub cmdMUpdate_Click() Call loadcon con.Execute "UPDATE Member SET MemberName = '" & txtMName & "',Pass = '" & txtMPass & "' WHERE MemberID = " & txtMID & "" MsgBox ("Record Updated Successfully") con.Close  End Sub              

Components for frmBorrow

The form Borrow allows you to check the availability of books, and if the book is available you can borrow it. If member wants to return the book they can enter details of the book and return it immediately.

Library Management - frmBorrow
Library Management – frmBorrow

Form Borrow Details

                Name : frmBorrow Caption : Book Borrow BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text              

Frame Controls

                Name : frameBookBorrow Caption : Book Borrow BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text              
                Name : frameAvailibility Caption : Availibility BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text              

Once you have created a frame control, add other controls on top of it. Also right click frame and send to back the frame.

Under the frame book borrow add following controls.


                Name : lblBorrowMain Caption : Book Borrow Details BackColor : Window Text ForeColor :Highlight Text Font : Arimo 18px Bold              
                Name : lblBBookID Caption : Book ID BackColor : Window Text ForeColor :Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name : lblBTitle Caption : Book Title BackColor : Window Text ForeColor :Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name : lblBMemberID Caption : Member ID BackColor : Window Text ForeColor :Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name : lblBorrowNote Caption : NOTE: BackColor : Window Text ForeColor :Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name : lblBInstructions Caption : Always CLEAR before any Query or Update BackColor : Window Text ForeColor :Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              


                Name : txtBBookID Text : 'leave blank'              
                Name : txtBTitle Text : 'leave blank'              
                Name : txtBMemberID Text : 'leave blank'              


                Name : cmdBorrow Caption :&Borrow BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Style :1-Graphical              
                Name : cmdReturn Caption :&Return BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Style :1-Graphical              
                Name : cmdBClear Caption :&Clear BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Style :1-Graphical              
                Name : cmdExit Caption :&Exit BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Style :1-Graphical              

Now you can add controls under Check Availability frame.

Labels under Check Availability

                Name : lblBBookTitle Caption : Book Title BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              
                Name : lblBResult Caption : Result BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : MS Sans-serif 8px Bold              


                Name :txtBBookTitle Text : 'leave blank'              
                Name :txtBResult Text : 'leave blank'              


                Name : cmdAvailibility Caption :&Check Availibility BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Style :1-Graphical              

Code for frmBorrow

                Private Sub cmdAvailibility_Click() Call loadcon rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Borrow WHERE BookTitle = '" & txtBBookTitle & "' And Return = 0", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then txtBResult.Text = "Not Available" Else txtBResult.Text = "Available" End If rs.Close con.Close End Sub   Private Sub cmdBClear_Click() txtBBookID.Text = "" txtBMemberID.Text = " " txtBBookTitle.Text = " " txtBResult.Text = "" txtBTitle.Text = " " End Sub  Private Sub cmdBorrow_Click() Call loadcon rs.Open "INSERT INTO Borrow (BookID, MemberID, BookTitle,StartDate) VALUES (" & txtBBookID & "," & txtBMemberID & ",'" & txtBTitle & "',#" & Format(Now, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#)", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic MsgBox ("Book Borrowed Successully") con.Close  End Sub  Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me If con.State = adStateOpen Then con.Close End If End Sub  Private Sub cmdReturn_Click() Call loadcon rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.CursorType = adOpenDynamic rs.Open "UPDATE Borrow SET Return = 1 WHERE MemberID = " & txtBMemberID & " And BookID = " & txtBBookID & "", con, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly MsgBox "Book Returned Successfully" con.Close End Sub              

Components for frmMENU – MDI form

The frmMENU is a form with menu items and we can create a menu using the Menu Editor.
To create a MDI form, [Right-Click] Project1.vbp > Select Add > [Click] MDI Form. Create following menu items using Menu Editor.

MDI Form with Menu - Form Book Details - Library Management System using VB 6 with MS Access
MDI Form with Menu – Form Book Details – Library Management System using VB 6 with MS Access

You have to create four menu items with following values. Do not change any other settings. However, you can use arrow buttons to move item up and down.

Borrow Book

                Name : borrow Caption : Borrow Book Index: 3              

Member Details

                Name : members Caption : Member Details Index : 1              

Book Details

                Name : books Caption : Book Details Index : 2              


                Name : exit Caption : Exit Index : 0              

Code for frmMenu

Before adding code for frmMENU, make sure you have created all other forms of the Library Management Project,

When you click on any menu item it will open another form within the parent MDI form. The other form that must open within MDI form should have their MDI child property set to True.

Set MDI Child Property to True
Set MDI Child Property to True

Add following code to frmMENU in from the code editor.

                Private Sub books_Click(Index As Integer) frmBook.Show End Sub  Private Sub borrow_Click(Index As Integer) frmBorrow.Show End Sub  Private Sub exit_Click(Index As Integer) Unload Me End Sub  Private Sub members_Click(Index As Integer) frmMember.Show End Sub              

The menu item allows multiple forms at the same time. If you want to allow only single form to load then hide other forms. See an example below.

                Private Sub members_Click(Index As Integer) frmMember.Show frmBorrow.hide frmBook.hide End Sub              

Note: You cannot add the code for Module 1 because first you have to add the components for Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0 (OLEDB) and Microsoft Data grid Control 6.0 (OLEDB).


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